8: Just your friendly neighborhood demon

Dec 05, 2010 00:28

[The SFC turns on and reveals one Anthony J. Crowley smirking at the camera.]

Lovely day, isn't it, Vatheonites? Now, I've noticed that there are quite the number of new people here, so I just want to go out and say welcome. Vatheon is a pretty beautiful place, where everything is free and most of the people living here are nice blokes.

Also, you're stuck here for the rest of your lives. Better get used to it- I've been here for well over six months, and I haven't seen home for a very long time.

[His smirk grows even wider.]

So, from me to you, I just want to say have fun and don't beat anyone up while you're at it. Understand? Hope you have a great time in your new prison, newbies!

[Filter: Nodoka]

You doing okay, Nodoka?

[Filter: Aziraphale]

I haven't seen your face in a while. I was almost thinking I should go out and tempt people, just to see if you would come to thwart my wiles.

Also, I want to talk about some of the newbies. Some of them are a bit interesting...

[Filter: Bayonetta]

Do you mind if I come over and hang out? I could use a nice break from welcoming all the new people to town. Besides, how I could resist the nice things you give me, I don't know. What do you say?

say hi to the serpent of eden, welcome to your prison, in ur dome trolling ur newbies, filters are awesome

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