I'm sorry this is so big, lots of venting & 2 lazy to do cut tag;-)

Oct 18, 2005 15:34

So I've been tired & I haven't written a damn thing. I have too many projects going at the house & no time to really accomplish any of them. Was sick all of last week missing several days of work & now want to be home still. Jamie thankfully is home again after a week & 1/2 trip to Ohio & an almost have to go back trip after being at home for 2 days, we dodged that bullet thankfully.

Trying to work on all 3 costumes with little success, help from sandy is greatly appreciated & hopefully from my mom also next weekend. Really want Halloween to be fun this year & have an actual Halloween costume party to go to on our Anniversary (11/04) at Sarah's house which is partly exciting & part "Hell no I do not want to go".

I now am having to deal with a slight feud between my boss & my friends Bonni & Lance. Lance & I work together & Bonni now works at the same department but different division as of August. In the beginning of July I requested to take a break at 5:30-5:45pm to walk down & get Jesse (now at the day care/pre-school at my building) & bring him back up to the office until my sift ends at 6pm (a time schedule I truly detest but have no real choice of). My boss Rusty was nice enough to offer to change my schedule from 9-6 to 8:30-5:30, which I asked to work towards (not wanting to rock any boats changing my schedule 3mths in) but to initially start at 8:45-5:45 until Jesse & I could get use to the new schedule which would begin Sept. 6th, his 1st day of school. I saw no reason to change my schedule before then since I was not picking Jesse up yet.

Well, Bonni then got a bad review at Elder Affairs, took the whole month of July off, then quit her job there & got another job here where she is much happier. Crackers for her. I'm thrilled. Well her times are 8-5 & Lances are 9-6 which they have not had a problem with until our gas sky rocketed. & now they want to car pool instead of driving 2 vehicles (lance drives the expedition), which I don't blame them for wanting to save money especially since they obviously have no idea how to handle theirs. Whew, their bills & spending are almost unconceivable to me. That's beside the point. Neither one of them are willing in any way to adjust so that they could drive together, mind you they live a mere 5 miles from home to work. They live behind Fresh Market/Premier Gym & we work at the Kirkman building corner of C.C. & Apalachee.

So they asked for Lance's schedule to be changed, Rusty asked for him to wait until our new employee was here to cover the gap, B/L said no. Bonni then proceeded to demand that Rusty change Lance's time, Rusty offered 5:30 so we wouldn't be so thin (that would leave only 2 people 4 days & 1 person 1 day @ 6pm). They said no they want 8-5, so they now have gone to Personnel to complain of not getting the times they wanted especially with ole' Jeb Bush "stating State employees need to help conserve energy & be an example & supervisors need to work with spouses" & that I'M GETTING SPECIAL TREATMENT BECAUSE I GET TO LEAVE A LITTLE BIT EARLY.

WHAT KINDA OF FUCKING SHIT IS THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I asked almost an entire month before Bonni even applied to work here. & Their schmuck ass's told me to basically lie & downplay my role in the care giving of my son in my INTERVIEW with Rusty to make sure that I got the job because once I got the job then I could work on changing my schedule. Well I didn't, instead I chose to not bring it up at all & Jamie & I rearranged our whole schedule & the way we had been living our lives so that I dropped Jesse off in the morning & instead of me picking up like I've always done, Jamie would walk off a FUCKING JOB SITE to pick up our son by 6pm. Didn't matter what time or where he was or what he was doing, that's what we did.

When the gas prices got so expensive, we discussed moving Jesse from Debbie whom we & Jess love & trust to a day care that is in conjunction with my office building. I can literally walk out of my building straight to his in just a few minutes. This was to cut down on mileage & gas expenses, instead of 70 miles a day, we now do 40 tops, instead of a tank & 1/4 a week we maybe use 1/2 to 3/4. Big damn difference, the only thing I asked for was would it be ok to have Jesse with me in our office for the last 15-20 minutes of the day, since I had no choice on that fact since the Day Care closes at 5:45pm & I have to pick him up whether I like it or not.

Rusty didn't see a need for that & said I could just leave then if that was what I want. Now with B/L making such a big hooey, I am at the moment unable to change my time to the 8:30-5:30 schedule that I wanted to have but in steps instead of 1 big jump just to be courteous & may actually be forced back to my 9-6 schedule & have to bring Jesse up here to my office for a 1/2 hour. Which means back to getting home at 6:30-6:45 with a tired 3yr old. I completely understand their point & think that they have the right to question but I'm uper pissed that they dragged me into the middle & have made it look like preferred treatment when they damn well know it's not. It's just that I asked 1st just like asking for the week of Thanksgiving off, it's giving to those who ask 1st.

I not even sure if I like the damn school, but am now stuck. I would prefer he went to Montessori school (had to wait until fully potty trained) but I know that we can't do that now, so I compromised and did what was best for us & my job since there was at the time & obviously now, no choice in me being able to leave early to pick Jesse up by 6pm from Montessori school. I know he would benefit greatly there but oh fucking well that is sometimes the way things go. I would have given up lunches & other such things but I can’t even entertain that idea with B/L’s stink going on. Now my child will have to suffer because of it. Can I just say "AAARRRRGGGHHHHH" just when I start enjoying having friendships again, someone bugs me.

Happier note, started my veggies, I now have rosemary, garlic chives, broccoli, lettuce, spinach & parsley sprouting, yea for me. Also pumpkin vine doing very well but no pumpkins by Halloween maybe fresh pumpkin pie by Thanksgiving. I can't wait until next spring to start the garden maybe I'll really have some of my major projects done.

On the list:
1. Paint the house (2 tone not so cool)
2. Clean the porches (like really)
3. Finish Screen Porch (Biggie)
4. Install Dog Door
5. Build Grilling Porch
6. Build Greenhouse for spring & winter
7. Compost area
8. Fix Garbage area
9. Paint Sheds & Laundry house
10. Ready garden beds
11. Work on Jesse's & Diesel's area for the spring to be more functionally & FUN
12. Put up tent & plan sitting area
13. Build brick oven/fireplace for Jamie
14. Throw a party & enjoy friends
15. Work on my shed

Boy that list looks like HUGMONGIS.
Plus my spelling sucks today.
No bitching from the writers you know who you are:-)

Edit: decided to spare you guys & did spell check in word. Be thankful, very, very thankful.
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