Jun 08, 2004 00:51
Right now I'm worried about my uncle and his family since he hurt his back and can't work their plateing company burned down arsen(not them cause no insurance and stuff was stolen)
My Dad living in another state
worried about my youngest uncle who I think is becomeing an alcholoic with a 21 month and a pregnant wife...plus them trying to find a house.
Some of my closest and semi close friends are repeating what they've done before which is going to cause more stress. Like a certain friend who hurt the person who I share alot with is doing the same thing with a new friend of mine ad they want me to help out, so I'm going to do the thing I always do find something of his and hurt him with it.
Some very bad relationships with people around me are starting to show and bite me in the ass
Summer school is a joke its a combination Algebra1 and 2 so I'm having to do work that these morons should have learned in fucking middle school like liner equations x+3=5 what is x....ALL FUCKING CLASS PERIOD thats all we did. Plus I'm so tied up right now with what this year has done to my GPA.
the stress of being strecthed to far and see no way of getting threw it
Oh and to top it off I gott robbed/scamed today out of at LEAST 89 dollars because I'm so stressed out I didn't pay attention...the only good thing Rudy isn't going to make me pay for it.On top of my ever hatred of fellow employies. Not to mention the problems Cary is cause the male population(but damn she's good at back mesages)
You know its just the little things in life that make me want to go out and leave everything behind me burning well I'm going to bed so I don't pass out cause of boredom tomorrow