Ahahahaha Justin thinks Abe was a perfectly nice and helpful guy! He's used to a much worse caliber of dick in his life, and really doesn't expect much. Honestly, if someone's really nice to him, he's just going to get suspicious. So Abe did good! :Db
Sounds good! 8D Justin really has no issue with dryness. He likes dryness, and people with a decent sense of emotional distance. I mean, he's already sort of friends with Ulquiorra Schiffer.
He's used to a much worse caliber of dick in his life, and really doesn't expect much. Honestly, if someone's really nice to him, he's just going to get suspicious. So Abe did good! :Db
Justin really has no issue with dryness. He likes dryness, and people with a decent sense of emotional distance. I mean, he's already sort of friends with Ulquiorra Schiffer.
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