Update I will be kind of long sorry everyone!

Aug 02, 2010 03:50

WOW so I toaly forgot I had an LJ for my rants and what not so heres an Update! Today I would have been married 2 years but instead Im now Divorced! A realy Long story short Is he tired to kill me, but what lead up to that was his lies where all being reveiled! He was talking to another woman that I did not know about, and the rule we had it was ok as long as the other knew about it! On May 4th I told him I was tired of all of it, his lies, him not working to make money or even cleaning up our rooms, he was a Pig! He also lost stuff that I had just bought the night before! I told him I'm tired of him being forgetful and that he thinks money grows on trees! he walked out and walkd to walgreens to see if they knew anything about that stuff we lost from them the night before. well they didnt cause it was a different shift! he starts walking back, and gets lost, that pissed me off he lived here hor 3 years and didn't know his way home WFT! I was not picking his ass up to fight more. he gets back finally and i told him he has 2 options 1)I pay for the divorce and he finds his own way home or 2) he pays for the divorce and i would pay for his way home. he didnt like that and ran to my mom, she tells him well work it out after she got home from work like we always did! she told him to stay out side and leave me alone in the house. I told mom to lock him outside cause he'll come in and bother me! She didnt being nice cause it was hot outside! no sooner she left he comes in and starts pack my things! we live with my parents not on our own! well i call mom tell what was happening and told him to get back outside I had her on speaker phone he said no then I told him to get out cause he longer had any right to be in mine/parents house! he said no, i told him a few more times to get out and he trapped me in the room, i went to past him and he chokes me! i drop my cell when he did and i need to call 911. for i pushed him off me and called. well the dept that came had a chip on his shoulder and took me to jail and he didnt even ask me the basic questions to find out what happened, I lost my job cause of this, i lost a lot cause of this. i fought my term and got my job back after 2 months of fighting with them. Now everything is Normal for the most part just got pay back my parents for everthing. and there is still more to tell about this and this is the short verson!
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