So yesterday, I accidental posted a blank post. Stupid iPad. But since I got some comments on it I thought maybe I should actually post something.
Work has been crazy busy, I worked 53 hours last week including a 14 hour day. Luckily, my new pharmacy district manager saw how busy we have been and asked for extra help to be sent our way next week. Just in time because next week will be crazy at the store. The regular part of the store opens at 9pm on thanksgiving which I think is crazy. What happened to the three sacred days off of Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter. Those were the only days we knew we wouldn't be working. Maybe they should move up the whole Black Friday up a week so that retail workers can get their Thanksgiving back.
On a completely different tangent, I just finished the book The Twelve. It was a sequel to the Passage. It was pretty good, but I kept thinking how convenient it was that everyone left in the apocalypse seemed to know each other. Does anyone have any good books they just read? I loved the Gillian Flynn books.
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