Apr 07, 2004 18:09
So yeah. Almost everything is worked out between me and Brian.
I told him that I still wasn't sure about what he wanted to do with himself and the baby, and that if he wants me I COME with the baby. Not either/or. He explained that when he told me he wasn't ready to have a baby me meant that he isn't ready, and that if he makes some mistakes along the way not to blame him. Not mistakes as 'I'm leaving you without a home or father for our baby', but mistakes like 'I have no idea what I'm doing with this baby so I'll just try this'. He apologized once again (without me pressuring him) about what he said during our fight and that was nice :)
15 WEEKS! It doesn't seem like long, but it is for a baby. I've got yet ANOTHER appointment this week and we're trying to see if we can find out the sex... I know Brian wants a boy but I kind of want a girl. Hmmm....
Names names names. We were sure but now it's undecided. Oh well :P