doc "draws" mspa a lot today + the best video all week

Nov 30, 2010 02:44

it isn't so much drawing as doodling though. and wallowing around in the muck trying to figure out how to draw on the computer again. 50% of the time, at least.

these were shitty doodles i did at like four in the morning because i couldn't sleep. they were so shitty that my brain immediately shut down and put me to sleep in self-preservation. then i woke up and tried to colour them on the computer and my brain finally got the program: i was suicidal and clearly trying to break my own sanity.

p.s.: "everything is music" is because secretly i've always thought of feferi as the bjork of the ocean.

then during the actual day at a reasonable hour like a reasonable person drawing trolls, i tried doing a picture completely digitally. so it was a bit of experimentation. this is what happened. there is no real rhyme nor reason to what i draw in these -- i feel like i should attempt a full body some time but i'm too laaaaaazzyyyyyyy.


then mom made me go get a pizza for dinner (tangential story: i only get to eat pizza a few times a year because my mom only gets a craving for the stuff like once every few months. i don't feel strongly about pizza one way or the other but i gotta admit after such a long dry spell all that grease and cheese and tomato and crust taste pretty fucking amazing.) i drew this at the pizza place while i waited for it to cook (the pizza, that is, not the picture).  it's on the back of my work schedule.


and then i did this just now while i was trying to watch Requiem For A Dream for class. i feel though that, having seen this on repeat like all day, i've had enough of Lux Aeterna. Nic Cage screaming fuckword after fuckword, however?

keep it comin' baby.


ETA: WELL FUCK I forgot to colour in his eyes on the last one.  whatevs.

mspa, *art

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