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Nov 22, 2010 10:13

"IT WOULD BE UNWISE MUGGLE" is pretty much the only thing I'll be able to think about when I see Hermione now.

it's a poster for a deal having to do with the movie theatre right next door where they are playing Harry Potter. it looks like Harry Potter -- you might even think that it was Harry Potter by the way that they've put pictures of the characters on the paper with words like "Muggle" and "butterbeer" and stuff -- but upon more diligent inspection it's quite obvious that that is exactly what this poster is not:

what it is is pee-my-pants funny. everything about the Comic Sans to the slightly bewildered look on Ron's face (he's evidently just so perpetually bewildered that he's not even expressing his hopes aloud like the other two, merely content with thinking those thoughts to himself under a vacant stare) to Hermione's strangely-yellow speech bubble -- as if she's speaking in a way or some tone of voice markedly different from the others. judging from the body of the text, I'd say that she's possessed by some sort of wrathful, Muggle-hating demon. or possessed by a particularly miserable strain of stomach flu. I know that I'd want to kill all non-magical people if I was sick.

this poster didn't get me to go to Caliente, but only because I had a movie to get to. of course, it was Harry Potter. I watched for a line about what it would be unwise for Muggles to do, but it didn't come. it's possible that I was too distracted from having to pee the entire two and a half hours the movie lasted, but I think it's more likely that the kids didn't turn into some sort of Mexican food-enthusiast band of ruffians.

in America.

edit: also I'll be going back to steal this sign in a few days.  I don't want to go too early or they'll suspect -- a criminal eventually returns to the scene of the crime.

the weird shit i find

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