I GOT IT! i don't get it.

May 10, 2007 14:25

I'm working at a daycare right now. german kids are weird. They are very klingy, as if they dont get enough hugs at home. and very independent. they do a lot of things on they're own. it's creepy.

i didnt go in yesterday because i felt like throwing up. and since i have a tendency to just throw up, when i feel like, i decided to stay home. and slept most of the day, which made me feel lazy. then i had to go to a rotary meeting which was actually interesting, it was a presention from this guy who walked all the way across france and spain. Peter and i giggled through the whole thing.  and in the end decided we would have to do that togethor in two or three years, but maybe just across ireland, cuz we're lazy.

i think my host parents might buy a new dog soon. that would be nice.

If you are waiting, waiting for me
I'll be home soon darling
I garuntee
I'll be home some day
just in one week
dry up your tears, if you start to weep      (not that i think you people are crying over me, it's just part of the song.)
and sing this lullaby

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