Feb 26, 2007 14:57
i'm siitting in my biologie class today, looking around at my german friends, thinking......I'm not gonna miss these guys. nope. not one bit. thats sad.
I will miss my host family, though...... I love them. And not just the immediate part of my host family. Don't get me wrong, i love the immediate part, but i also love the extended part of my host family. Probably more than the the extended part of my family. i'm just saying.
My host mom threw me a birthday party yesterday. she baked me 5 cakes. the were all delicous.......mmmmmm.....cake...... and she invited the intire extended family, neighbors, and a few friends of mine. Nett. einfach nett. I love that woman.
i got pretty flower, 3 books, 2 gift certifacates and 60 euros......
nice family.
our dog died. thats shitty. :(