Mar 08, 2007 11:12
First things first. If you haven't already watched the video about "Cannabis Granny" on today, go do it. It's hilarious.
Second-of-ly, I'm alive and kickin'. Well... sort of. I had a minor breakdown last night (for the first time since leaving Oberlin, which, if I may say, is pretty fucking amazing) and it was over a really silly thing. I had a test this morning at 8:40am and I lost all of my study materials around 11pm last night - before I had even started studying. So I guess it's a situation that warrants some *slight* panicking. But with me (and Kira and Michael can DEFINITELY attest to this), you either get a crazy panic fest, or you get nothing. So I proceeded to do my whole "I'd-rather-slit-my-wrists-and-bleed-to-death-than-try-to-find-my-study-materials" thing and then started crying and feeling so sorry for my poor, pathetic, whiny, forgetful self. And of course, when I finally decided to snap out of the panic fest and take action, I remembered EXACTLY where they were. I had left this huge packet of papers in the bathroom at the music school on top of the paper towel dispenser. Bingo.
What ensued was a strange event in which Michael, Kira, and Megan ventured to the music school in Megan's car to rescue the study materials while Megan was not wearing panties. I was, however, wearing a ratty gray long sleeved t-shirt with my brown puffy vest, really super-thin pajama pants with hearts that showed off my ass (and that gave me a constant wedgie according to Michael), and my purple and pink striped rainboots - no socks, underwear, or bra. It was kind of the most amazing looking spectacle you'll ever see. I am not ashamed.
I don't know why, but looking at the word "panicking" is making me hungry for pancakes. Waffle House, anyone?