Damn you, glitchy Mass Effect 3!

Mar 11, 2012 14:36

Okay, let me start this by saying that overall I'm really enjoying the game but these glitches are driving me crazy! I'm working on one side mission where you have to access terminals in the Citadel to get more information and now all of a sudden I can't interact with these terminals. I read that if you start another mission while in the middle of this one everything will get glitchy. Well of course, I'm finding this out after the fact! Hopefully, Bioware will put out a patch to fix this.

Some of these side quests are really dumb. It's basically the end of the world and people are still on the "can you like, stop what you're doing, saving the world and all and get me x-y-z item?" bullshit. WTF!? Your character should be able to say, "Look, damn it! I'm Commander Shepard and you're going to do what the hell I tell you to do!"

Oh, I'm playing as a paragon, BTW.

mass effect, videogames

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