Random stuff...

Mar 19, 2011 01:20

Just saw Limitless. Torn between saying it was awesome or s'okay. Weird. Definitely want some fanfiction with the Russian gangster character. Now he was without a doubt awesome! It's also nice to see Robert Burke on the big screen. He's such a handsome man good actor. And this movie also serves to remind everyone that Bradley Cooper's eyes are gorgeous. Sorta related, I'm so geeked about Hangover Part II but I don't get why Doug is missing again!? That dude can't stay out of trouble!

Just got Lupe Fiasco's latest album. Man oh man, am I disappointed. I remember seeing him in concert in 2009 and he was talking about Lasers and to look for it in 2010. This is what we've been waiting on for so long? Oh well, it's better than nothing but hopefully the next on will be better.

School is going decently. I think we're in week 10 (it's all a blur) and it's so hard to believe it's almost over. Counting the weeks!

limitless, movies

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