Jul 22, 2005 14:53
Fuck do I ever hate being sick. You know, everyone jokes around about how I have the healing properties of Wolverine, but I definately have my kryptonite... It's infections, and colds. I don't even gets colds anymore. My colds last a day before they turn into a lung infection, bronchitis, pneumonia or ebola. Well maybe not ebola. I wish every time I got a cold I could just cut off a limb and have it go away. At least I could grow it back and not have to sit here sounding and feeling like a 90 year old smoker. If it's not a cold it's infection. Some of you may remember that tiny itty-bitty fucking hangnail on my thumb... :shudders: within a day and a half I had to be rushed to the doctor because it had swollen so bad and gotten so discolored that I could barely move from the agony. They put me on some awesome elephant tranquilizers though which was good. I'm sure Leah remember those. I gave her half of one cause she had a headache. within about 25 minutes she had this glazed over look in her eyes and a half-palsied smirk plastered on her face. needless to say she forgot all about her headache, as well as her name and where she was. Got to get me some of those. Enough of my bitching though. Oh wait no, there's more.. Work. God dammit call me. If I can't get any days in this week before my surgery then I will have a completely blank paycheck. Fuck, I'd be happy just getting 2-3 days per paycheck - it's enough to keep food in my belly. So, I had only recently re-activated this LJ account, but I had forgotten the password so I had it emailed back to me. Apparently I was still dating Vicki at the time, and I had used a pet name for her as the password - and no it's isn't Busty Larue, Chesty Sinclair or Titty Mcboob. Mmmmm boobs... I thought about editing this and breaking it down into paragraphs but screw it, that's a waste of time. Deal with it!!!