Mar 05, 2010 10:07
Why is it that I can always think of something to post about, and then when I actually go to do just that, I forget it all? Surely there's a name for such a condition.
Anyway. I need more tea.
There really isn't that much to report. Or maybe there is, and I just can't think of anything right now. Housemate is back from India, dad is visiting for a conference, Aaron is still a contractor which kinda blows, and I've passed probation so now I'm officially a fulltime member of the working society.
Aaron and I also spoke to a mortgage broker a few weeks ago in the hopes of buying a place this year, but with him on contract, banks doesn't like to give out as much money as if he was full time PAYG (80% rather than 97% - not that we'd borrow 97% of the loan anyway but it's handy to have that option). The thing that sucks is that the median houseprice for Melbourne has skyrocketed to $520,000 or so in the last 18 months. And that can just be for a 1 bed apartment in some areas! It's depressing really. We want to save a larger deposit, but I'm worried the longer we wait, the higher the prices will go and the amount of money we borrow will essentially be the same regardless of our deposit. Argh! There's no signs of this slowing down too, as Melb currently has a housing shortage. Bah and humbug! We'll see, though. I'd prefer Aaron to go off contract before anything happens, and his comes up at the end of April or something...
There's other stuff to say, yadda yadda, but I can't think. Time to work. MOAR TEA.