Not for me, but for Aaron.
He landed a job with WebJet last Wednesday, and got the confirmation call whilst we were out at the Microbreweries Showcase at Fed Square. Being surrounded by beer gave us the perfect opportunity to celebrate, although we declined dumplings and went home early-ish like old people. Still yet to check that dumpling place out - the queue was massive on Friday night. Another time...
My employment options are quite substantial, I just need to take advantage of it. The only thing holding me back is the lack of confidence from being out of the game for so long. I was made redundant at the end of Feb - 7 months is a long time. I've been sporadicaly applying for things that Aaron draws my attention to but I don't know. I don't think I'm cut out for a software developer life but the alternative is just as difficult.
We'll see how things go.
The weekend has been pretty neat. Friday, we took
gwyntt 's car out to the Gippsland area, and discovered that Yarragon is a place where one could spend a lot of money. If only. Caught up with a travel buddy that night, the idea being to have drinks at Madame Brussels, but we baulked at the idea of paying $50 for a jug of Pimms. C'mon! Korean BBQ for dinner, and a drink at Section 8 Container Bar, and the night was sweet. I really missed Melbourne and it's funky bar culture. Looking forward to reconnecting with it again.
Aaron starts his new job tomorrow, and then it's Melbourne Cup Day and a BBQ over here. I'm to meet with a recruiter tomorrow, which resulted because I had applied for a job with them and it turned out to be the same job I had already interviewed for, just a different recruitment company. Lame. But... maybe something will come of this. Having already worked at a recruitment firm, however, I'm not that confident in recruiters abilities.