(no subject)

Nov 26, 2007 15:23

I've been looking back on my old entries, and I do believe I sound rather emo most of the time - complaining of sickness or injury or some other type problem. Haha.  Cheer up, emo kid!

Yen arrives tomorrow to harrass Sydney for a week and I am excited!  And in a few more weeks, Aaron and I will be making the trip to Melbourne for Christmas, and I am excited by that too!  I get to see my kitty Kat for the first time since, what... May?  Plus, we're all going to see Spamalot, which makes me happy in my pants.  Plus there's tonnes of other stuff to do.

What also makes me happy is that mum called me up whilst she was in Hong Kong last week asking what to get Aaron as a gift - I'm not sure if she just feels compelled to get him something as we'll be staying with them, or because she genuinely wants to be nice, but the fact that she thought about it at all is awesome, and she hasn't even met him yet!  Yes, folks, Aaron's first meeting with my parents will involve staying with them for an entire week.  A brave man, is he.

I've also been way too anti-social and detached and playing GuildWars and Sims way too much.  I've even gotten Aaron hooked on GW, and yes, we are sad enough to be on two different machines in the same room playing together.  I think I go through phases with these games though, and my social life can suffer for it, but hey... everyone goes through phases. :-P

aaron, life

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