Apr 16, 2007 14:34
So, I moved to Randwick on the weekend, and I have to say, I am in pure fucking bliss. I am SO glad to be out of Kirribilli, I just can't begin to quantify it. The place is great, my room is HUGE, and I can now hear myself think at night - no more crappy freeway noise! All in all, 100% successful trip! (Cookies for those who guess that quote ;-) )
The only really, REALLY negative thing is that there's a freshly hatched nest of roaches in the kitchen. Whomever lived in the place prior to us did sweet fuck all in terms of actually, y'know, CLEANING. I found the little bastards last night when I got home, so the house will now be prep'ed for Roach Nuclear Warfare tomorrow in the way of several sprays and/or bombs.
Roaches = Ew. *shakes fist at Sydney*
Though, I have to say, after the move, I have never been so freaking sore in my life. Nor as tired (save for the sparse bit of jetlag from various trips). I absolutely crashed out around 8pm on Saturday night, and slept a full 12 hours (in my brand new room, SQUEE! I don't think the novelty of that will wear off for a while, somehow).
Oh, and I completely destroyed my big toe leaving Marica's last night. I managed to stub it on the sidewalk walking back to my car. I have no idea how I didn't break it, because it fucking HURT, and was bleeding like a mofo. Though if I had, I think I would have had a suitable case to sue the council over. It's now blue and purple and very funky looking. Just thought I'd like to share that.
Anyways, I am now being a bum at work. Wikipedia, and ninjas and samurai and ronin, ftw! But I guess I should actually do SOMETHING, given that I'm like, being paid and all.
Shirt-ninja, AWAY!