Jan 02, 2007 19:30
Name: Sarah
Hometown: Binghamton, NY
Birth date: 04/12/87
Sign: Aries
2006 In The Beginning......
Where did you ring in the New Year? First Night, Binghamton
Who were you with? My mom, brother and his g/f
Did you kiss anyone at midnight? Thats a good one
Did you make any resolutions? I honestly don't remember
If so did you keep them? I'd say thats a no
2006 Your Love Life....
Single/Taken? Fantastic timing. Single.
How many relationships did you have? 2
How many break ups? 2
How many people did you kiss? oh god....8 but all of them meant something...well almost all
2006 Friends and Enemies......
Did you meet any new friends this year? yeah, several
Did any of your friendships end? Yes - things change when living arrangements and what not change
Did you dislike anyone? Yes
Did you get into any fights? mild dissagreements
Did you make any new enemies? I'm sure i really ticked a few people off
Did you resolve any fights? yes
Who was your closest friend? there were a lot that got me through the year
2006....The Holidays!
Did you have a Valentine? Sarah Sterling! hahahaha
Did the Easter bunny visit you? Not this year - first time ever :-(
Did watch fireworks on the 4th of July? yup!
Did you dress up for Halloween? haha classy - went trick-or-treating as heidi
What did you do for Thanksgiving? I had two - one at my dad's house, and then one with my mom and brother at my grams
Did you make a list of gifts for the holidays? no
Did you receive what you wanted? more than i wanted
Were you good this holiday season? thats a definite negative
2006 Your Birthday!
How old did you turn? nineteen
Did you have a cake? yeah, i ate myself sick
What did you do for your birthday? Friends threw a suprise breakfast, won an intramural soccer game, had a little shindig that night, then spent the night at Sam's. My family and best friend came up the next day, then that weekend I saw Dane Cook in Boston
Did you have a party? yup
Did you get any presents? a few
2006......The Memories and Accomplishments!
Funniest Memory? there were a few fantastic moments - "aww pickles!" "grasshoppers" the bater, ethan taking off his pants on the way to redstone
Saddest Memory? End of camp or end of GYLS conference
Most Embarrassing Memory: naked bike ride...
Best Accomplishment? going to china by myself, getting into the american univ. program with a huge scholarship, my new job, learning sign language
Favorite TV shows? grey's anatomy
Favorite songs? Cecilia - Paul Simon
Favorite bands? theres a lot for me right now
Favorite food? a nice salad
Favorite stores? gap
Favorite restaurants? i've eaten more meals at friendlys than anywhere else this year but i wouldnt say its a favorite, jsut has a lot of good memories attatched
Favorite piece of clothing? pink polo
2006.....All about YOU....
Did you change at all this year? a lot, some i like, others i dont. I dont take so much crap anymore
Did you dye your hair? haha, yah - not my own choice. my campers painted it red - and it stayed that way
Did you get your hair cut? yup - its stayed the same all year though
Did you change your style? a bit more to the hippy side - and when i do look normal its preppy. go figure.
Where you in school? UVM
Did you have a job? Front Desk Attendant, and a caregiver for a kid with CP
Did you drive? everywhere - canada (montreal and ontario kingtson/ottowa), fredonia (oy), boston, etc.
Did you own a car? yup. my red camry
Did you lose anyone this year? yes :-\
Did anyone close to you give birth? nope
Did you move at all? just into L/L on campus
Did you go on any vacations? CHINA
Did you leave the country at all? CHINA, and canada (see above) my cabin/montreal
Would you change anything about yourself now? I need out of my current woe-be-gone funk
2006.....Wrap Up.
Was 2006 a good year? in its own way it was good
Do you have any regrets? multitudes
Did 2006 bring any new insights? yes - more with learning a lot about myself
Do you think 2007 will top 2006? i think so, simply because of how much i've grown as a person
Do you have any goals for 2007? live without regrets - by making sensible choices
If you could relive any moment which would you choose? china, and re-do a few things with kids at camp
If you could forget any moment what would it be? some things i've done that i dont care to discuss, and reacting differently to some kids at camp when i got pushed over the edge by their behaviors i know they had no control over
Do you wish 2006 wouldn't end? no, i need a fresh start now more than ever this year (or needed)
Do you plan to do anything special for NYE 2007? shit show part 2 in fredonia
Who will you be kissing at Midnight? ha.ha.ha.......ha.