I went to a bonfire last night. I drove there with Julia and Ashli, I danced for cars next to use, and I gave bad directions. It was a really fun drive. Then we got to the bonfire, me and ashli played on the life guard towers and annoyed everyone. This guy named burrito joined our bonfire. He was cool. Then we drove home… I got us lost :). But we got home. At my house we all went crazy. My brother and Marc James were having a spit ball fight… against us. Mark James nailed me right in the forehead. Oh well, then we got food. Crazyness. We can really eat. Julia and Ashli are drumsticks, I’m a hungry man. Then we watched Wedding Planner and went to bed.
This morning I woke up, and we tried to get breakfast, and all got apple juice. I know good breakfast. Then ashli left, and Jeff picked me and Julia up. We dropped Julia off, and I went shopping with jeff. We came home and got slurpees. Now I’m home.
Chris is Back :)
I snuck it.. muahaha
Sunburned Fat kid… YES!
“You can’t see how retarded my face is in this” “Don’t worry my face is retarded enough for both of us”