dbsk has only been back in the mother country for about 4 months. and now they have to go back to japan.
i know what cassiopeia is thinking. they're thinking this is unfair.
i know what dbsk is thinking. they're thinking this is unfair.
i think so too.
why is it that they have to be number one in korea and japan?
isn't it enough to be number one in their own country and recognized as great artists in others?
i know that sm is trying to make dbsk known to the world as the best. and of course he's trying to milk as much out of the boys while he can.
and although it's working.
sm is getting rich. and dbsk is getting the recognition they've always deserved.
i can't help but wonder if this is really worth it.
the boys put on their happy faces in japan. they smile. they perform. they fanservice. they do their duties.
but i know. i know they're unhappy.
you can tell. you can tell that they are at ease in korea. they're at their happiest when they're with cassiopeia.
sure they love bigeast too. a fan is a fan. and love is love.
but cassiopeia is their first love. their last love. cassie has been with them since their debut. no matter where they went. even when big east wasn't there. cassiopeia was their support in japan. when they felt desperate and alone.
i've always been afraid that cassie would forget them. that they would become something that belongs to yesterday in korea.
i didn't realize that they felt the same.
and knowing that they felt they were losing cassiopeia's love while gaining bigeast's breaks my heart.
but now... after their magnificent comeback. and as they leave for japan once again. i wonder why i belittled cassie's love so much. why did i have so little faith in them?
if my love for dbsk can follow them wherever they go. if i can love them no matter the language they sing in.
whether they're 동방신기 or トホシンキ.
what makes it so differnt for cassie or bigeast.
i feel ashamed of myself for belittling another's love.
so once again dbsk is leaving korea. worried that cassiopeia will forget about them.
lose that love for them as the clock ticks and time flies by.
but they have nothing to worry about.
because the people who truely love them will always love them.
and those who's fivolous feelings can fade so easily... well... do you really need them afterall?
i only wish they'd realize this. because i know their hearts are breaking with this goodbye.
저희가 무슨생각을 하고있는지... 다 똑같이 생각 하시는 거 같아요.
저희는 저희입장만 생각하고 있는데,
뭐, 우리가 일본가서 우리가 보고 싶었고 우리가 기다리게 하는거고 그러니까 우리가 미안한거고.
우리마음을 반대로.. 보내서 미안하고, 기다리지 못해서 미안하고, 잊을까봐 힘들어하고.
저희도 그랬지만, 저희도 잊혀질까봐 많이 고민했었는데..
없으면 아마.. 못할거같아요.
계속 기다려주실거죠?
이런말까지 하면 안되지만, 미친듯이 기다려주세요.
그리고 이제 계속 정말정말 열심히 할거고, 이제 5년됬잖아요.
활동끝날려면 20년은 남은것 같구요, 계속 기다려주실거죠?
I think you all know what we're thinking... I think we're thinking the same.
We're only thinking from our poing to perspective, like, you miss us because we went to Japan, we're sorry because we made you wait.
But if we think differently (opposite).. apologetic because you sent us, apologetic because you can't wait for us, worried that we'll be forgotten.
Although we were like that too, we were really worried about being forgotten.
If it wasn't for you (if you had forgotten us).. I don't think we would have been able to do it.
Will you keep waiting for us?
I know I shouldn't really say this but, please crazily wait for us/ wait for us like crazy.
And we're really going to try our very very very best from now, it's five years now.
I think there's at least another 20 years left before we're finished. You will wait for us, right?
일본에서 아무래도 바쁘다 보니까 소식을 인터넷으로 접할 때가 많이있어요.
지금도 그래요, 멤버들이 워낙 긍정적이니까 인터넷 상의 글들을 신경 안쓰려고 하는데
그게 1년넘어가고.. 계속 그렇게 봐오니까
진짜 한물갔나...? 이런느낌..
그, 쇼케이스를 하는데 너무 떨려서 못 올라가겠더라구요.
이게 한순간에 만들어질수 있는게 아니구나, 하는 생각이 들었어요.
그래서 고맙고, 앞으로 더 열심히 하고싶고.
이제 5년이니까, 앞으로도 더 고생해서 여러분과 좋은 길을 잘 닦으면서 걸어가고 싶어요. 감사합니다.
Since we're so busy in Japan we catch up on things through the internet. And there are a lot of cases where we find stuff out through the internet.
It's still like this, we're all very positive so we try and not to pay attention to the comments people write and stuff, but then a year passes.. and people keep looking at us in such a way that makes me feel.. "Are we really a thing of yesterday ..?"
When we had our showcase, I was so nervous, I couldn't get up on the stage.
I thought to myself, "This is not something that gets created in a blink of an eye."
That's why we're thankful, that's why we want to do better in the future. It's not five years, so let's work together and pave a nice road. I would like to walk that road with you. Thank you.
*다이@dnbn says that he cried while he said this, especially the part where he seriously wondered if they were a thing of the past.
서로 느끼고 있었던것, 많은분들이 동방신기는 이럴거다 라고 했던거 저희가 이럽니다 라고 이야기 했던 것보다
정말 10배 100배 많이 걱정했고, 그것때문에라도 기다리고 있는 여러분들 때문에라도 더욱 더 열심히 하자,
그리고 이렇게 좋아해주고 기다려주는데 어디가서 우리를..
우리는 카시오페아 때문에 욕먹는 일은 없었거든요?
그런데 카시오페아는 우리때문에 욕먹는게 저는 정말 싫었어요.
정말로 너무나 싫었고, 그래서 일본에서 정말 죽자고자 열심히 했었던 것 같아요.
그리고 만약에 누군가가 저한테 니 손으로 마음대로 할수있는 무언가를 주겠다고 한다면
여러분은 이자리에서 계속 기다린다고 하는데, 저는 기다리게 하는게 싫어요.
어디에서든 좋은 성과 나타내서, 그 성과를 여러분들에게 다시 되돌려드리는게 저희들의 가장 큰 일이라고 생각하고
솔직히 자기가 좋아하는 가수가 누구한테는 "아, 너 그가수 좋아해? 쪽팔려." 이런 이야기 들으면 슬퍼지는데..
그래서 저희 정말 열심히 할거고, 앞으로 더 열심히 할수있게 계속 도와주실거죠?
계속 기다려주세요, 믿고 정말 열심히 하겠습니다.
What we felt was that, lots of people say DBSK are gonna be like this, we say we're like that. But we were 10 times, 100 times more worried and we wanted to work harder for you who were waiting for us.
You love us and support us this much, wherever you go we ...
We were never sworn at because of Cassiopeia, right?
But we hated the fact that Cassiopeia were sworn at because of us.
I really really hated it, so that's why we worked with a set mind of "It's die or live" in Japan.
If someone said to me, I'll give you a something that will make you do what your heart desire, then I would take away the waiting part; I hate how you wait and how we make you wait.
I think that, wherever we go, reaping a good report/result and returning it to you is the best thing we can do.
To tell the truth when someone goes to you, "Omg, you like that artist? What an embarrasment," about your favorite artist, you become sad.
So in order for you not to hear that, we're going to work harder. You will help us to work harder right?
Please continue waiting for us. We'll trust you and work even harder.
charixiahma for the translations