The Doomsday Key

Jun 07, 2010 13:07

"The Doomsday Key" was yet another awesome Sigma Force novel by James Rollins. I really enjoyed it, as I do all of Rollins's stories. He just has that talent for taking stuff that actually exists and weaving it into a story that is both fanciful and plausible at the same time. As far as I'm concerned, Rollins is the best action thriller writer currently out there and more people should read his stuff.

Oh, and this book has made me decide that Painter Crowe is like a Native American Chuck Norris. He appears where he is most needed, kicks the bad guys' asses, and then dissapears just as quickly. I'm glad he's been getting more involved with the overall plot of the series. After being the main character in the first book, he had ended up stuck behind a desk in the following ones. But he has been making a comeback and he was all over the place kicking ass in this one. And the next Sigma force novel sounds like he will be kicking even more ass! Wheeeee!
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