(no subject)

Sep 05, 2004 00:13

The Ultimate Kissing Survey

Age of first kiss: 8ish i guess

Number of people you've kissed: a few, to many to come up with a accurate number

French kissing is: good when done right, but i prefer a light pecks

The worst kind of kiss is: a forced kiss, trying to put emotion into something you don't mean

The best kisser you know: steff was great I enjoyed her kiss

The worst kisser you know: my ex, she tired to force it to much

The celebrity you'd like to kiss: ?? I don't know, Elisha Cuthbert maybe

Friend you would like to kiss: i don't think there is a friend, right now there is only one girl iw ant a kiss from(SIGH)

Favorite movie kiss: The innocent kiss between the the two kids in Great Expectations in the drinking fountain, I love that kiss

Do you kiss on the first date? sometimes depends on who with and how the date went

Eyes open or closed? open most of the time, i like to see the world, but if they close lost in the momment thats cool too

Average number of kisses you get a day: lol umm on average prolly far less then 1 a day right now, lol

Ever kissed a friend's boyfriend or girlfriend?
The last person you kissed:

Best placed to be kissed: I don't know were ever the moment feels right, i guess

Have you kissed someone of the same sex?
What about the opposite sex? sure thing

Do you consider kissing cheating? it depends, if there is feeling behind it maybe but just innocent kisses here and there no

The longest you've gone without a kiss:
a long time
The kiss you regret most is:
only thing I ever regret are the things I never did
Kissing in public is:
I try not too, i feel uneasy about it but if it feels right then fuck it

Tongue rings are:
cool i guess, i don't know don't care either way
Two girls kissing is: cool i guess

Two guys kissing is: a reason to turn my head the other way

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