(no subject)

Apr 26, 2006 08:42

well monique livejournal "nudged" me. or something. so i guess i should update.

i don't really know what to write about. yeah, blah blah blah, my life is awesome at the moment. everything is sweet. as the principal at my highschool would say every morning; "the birds are shining and the sun is singing" in a metaphorical context as outside it is in fact raining.

um... how about i post some photos from monique and erik polaire's fantastic party of fun which was held over the easter weekend (?);

this was me staring at dave thinking lustful thoughts as his easter hat was just so damn hott.

anton thinking similar thoughts. dave is a heart breakerrr.

hey, 'in the pines', we can get a whole bunch of people from pop bands to pose together and act like friendz too!

this one doesn't need a caption. it just is.

thanks for the photos daveee.

the end.
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