Adobe Color Printer Utility

Dec 14, 2010 17:19

If you're using Photoshop CS5, just relinquish for the moment any hopes for using the null transform capability available in prior versions to print color targets.  Adobe has, for a variety of reasons, removed the No Color Management option from their print dialog and much hay has been stirred up because of it.  Their solution, which appears to work, is to download their new Adobe Color Printer Utility:
whose sole purpose in life is to bypass the normal color management workflow, allowing color targets to pass directly to the Epson driver unmolested.  You still must select a media type, resolution and print speed.  Presets are respected between ACPU and Photoshop CS5.

This does not solve the problem of doing a Convert to Profile within Photshop, tweaking the white point, then printing directly with the null transform by having the Printer space match the image space.  That's what CS5 broke, and it may be permanently broken.

Thanks to Dave Polaschek at Adobe for making the ACPU release happen, and Joseph Holmes for further diagnosing the issue.
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