I want to post

May 27, 2009 09:12

...several things, really. A big post on my trip to Malaysia, a big post on why, various and sundry other smaller posts - like one on my impressions of Paul Tremblay's The Little Sleep along with some perspectives on noir in general.

During my vacation I also had time to sit and think about why I don't write - why I don't post in my LJ even though I still have a lot to say (it's largely complicated) why I don't write as much - (also complicated), and how that is tied to work (dead simple.)

My big desires on getting home is to have a place to write, just to write. I think part of that will involve finding a lightweight and inexpensive laptop with an internet connection and not much else. No more writing on my work laptop, for example. I need to find a way to deal with my job without having it take over my life, too - as a manager, that might be difficult. Or at least interesting.

Also sick. Dragging myself kicking and screaming to a doctor. (I'm not fond of them.) It wasn't exactly fun to be sick for the entire holiday, but because of swine flu fears in Malaysia, I couldn't take my American ass to see a doctor about ear/nose/throat crap without a big fear of being quarantined.
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