Geekiest Post Ever

Apr 07, 2008 10:58

I spent playing FFXI all weekend long, and my char, Scandiawolfe has passed several milestones in the game.


1. Broke Lvl 60 (am currently Lvl 62 White Mage, 34 Black Mage, 22 Red Mage, Thief 20, Warrior 11, Monk 10, Paladin 9, Dark Knight 5, Ranger 2 - the rest are lvl 1 - Beastmaster, Bard, Samurai, Ninja, Dragoon, Summoner, Blue Mage, Corsair "Pirate job", Puppetmaster, Dancer, and Scholar )

2. Finally beating Chains of Promathia EP Missions - (finally found an interested and talented party that was able to handle all the Promyvions I needed and i had CoP 1-2 over a YEAR and HALF after numerous parties that either had a bad party set-up, full of promyvion noobies {quite rare now considering CoP are only 5 years old for an EP}, full of impatient people leaving their white mage behind and getting killed, or not having the necessary items to fight the bosses!)

3. Opened all potential jobs/classes

4. Finally gained access to all the game areas with the fall of the Promyvions)

5. Am now at CoP 2-3 (the Minotaur fight), RotZ-Rise of the Zilart EP- 6 ( the 3 Anticans fight), ToAU-Treasures of Aht Urghan EP - 15 (2 fights of the Undead Pirate Captian and his undead pirate crew), and WotG-Wings of the Goddess EP- 3 (the latest mission currently - awaiting more mission additions in later game updates)

6. I also finally did some crafting after not doing them at all for over 2 years - Smithing at 13, Woodworking at 12, Fishing at 3, Bonecraft at 2, and clothcraft at 1. The crafting skill are at 0 - goldsmithing, leathercraft, alchemy, and cooking.

Yay, go me!
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