Aug 13, 2005 21:43
omg. i cant even remember the lass time i was on LJ.. ive been neglecting it !! lol.. k so my life is extra blehh. school started back & its not as bad as i thouqht it would be.. i have..
1. physics 1 honors
2. english 3 AP
3. business systems & tech
4. sociology
so can u just iMAGiNE what my homework is like?! lol .. ya man.. but i really like my sociology class.. my peoplesz is in there.. eve, meagen & stayf.. YAY !! lol.. lovin it. & meagen & myself joined HRC.. its tiqht.. i like it so far.. like the ideas & stuff that they have. so it should b a qood year hopefully. i really wanna do qood. qotta start applyin for college soon. damn.. da real world is gettin sooo close. im madd scared. but ill b iite.. 2day is HOSEA BiRTHDAY!! <3 happy birthday boo.. =] . ya so the love life.. well there isnt 1. i cant trust niggas. im not wid da bf anymore. i actually talked to him 2day.. & we talked normal, he was tellin me bout these girls and shit like i wanted to hear. but i guess das wha friends still learnin how to be jus a friend to sum1 u still love.. im new at this thing.. lol im tryin thoe. but he has moved on from what ive seen. and i guess i have to since i can actually talk to him bout it. so ya. but i dunno bout hosea. i b thinkin he has a gf. i KNOW for a fact he b fkkin girls cuz i mean.. he's a guy. he's jus 1 of those guys who get madd pussy. so. i dunno.. dem deep side girls.. lmao. o gosh !! but ya. i dunno if anything ever gon happen wid us. but otherwise... not much in da love department. this kid tried talkin to me at school. but i didnt even bother to ask his name.. he madd annoyin. & their aint nobody at Piper.. damn yo, jus a bunch of ugly ass niggas & bitches.. damn i will DEF b able to concentrate.. lmao ok but um.. i dont even wanna talk bout the drama yesterday. dat shit made my blood pressure go up like whoa. me & deney got in trouble. but deney kinda got in more trouble. but hopefully her mom will 4get lol.. i def almost died lass night wen i smelt dat weed. omg it smelt so good. i almost gave in. lol.. but nooo! deney had to be the mom & say i couldnt lol.. & she told dem how psycho i was and how much psychologists and shit i had. tellin dem my business lol.. now they think im crazy jus cuz i tried to kill sum1.. [ they shall remain nameless ] lol.. but ya. not gonna go into detail to lassnight cuz we wood b here 4ever and a day. so ya.. im madd bored & still in my pajamas.. what a damn bum!. lol.. O YA.. i had been in a weddin lass week.. i was a bridesmaid..oh man.. believe me wen i say it was soooo much fun.. trust me.. a whole bunch of trini people.. bwwoooyyy!! its bound to be funn..fine ass trini guy there tried to talk to me.. but he was 23.. lmao.. fine as hell thoe. but he was the groom [ my cuzin] friend.. lol.. he def thought i was 19.. but nope.. only 16.. soon to be 17 in november ! but still not legal.. lmao.. jus wait till next year boy.. im comin for it was madddddd fun thoe.. ok im out now peoplesz ! much love &..