Jan 05, 2005 20:19
wow i havent updated in a while
i`ve tried lyk once a while ago .. but my computer was being a liddul weird
n e wayz i`ve been extremly busy
the vacation was the bestest ever !!
wat i did ::
went over nikki poo`z .. nick + ryan came over [[ we tried going skating .. u dont wanna kno that storyy hahah ]] .. went to a party at my cousinz` !! fun fun .. went to moviez two timez.. once to see Meet The Fockers and Series of Unfortuant eventz .. went to ryan`z house on new year`z eve thurr was a "partyish" thing going on there yehp that was fun .. went to the grange with sum ppl .. nikki and matt came over.. sarah came over once.. had more friendz over.. had a partyish thingy with sum friendz .. went to the gym lyk 100 timez lol hung out with justin and jeremy .. yeah other stuff too .. it was g r e a t
well then school came ! yay UH not ..
this week is SOO BUSY O M F G
monday :: went to school and it was soooo hard to wake up omg .. that day was extremly long and sucked v e r y badly then went to the gym with my dad .. got back around 6 and then worked on my projectz `til 8:30 n took a shower n tried 2 sleep
tuesday :: got up .. this day sucked too but it wasnt as bad as monday .. went to school then went to work .. left early and got paid xtra haha thatz great !! got back at 5 and worked on my homework and projectz til 8:45
today :: today was G R E A T !! haha good .. lotz of stuff hapened =] came home and went to the gym with my dad got back `round 5:40? went to A.C. Moores to get stuff for science .. sam !! <3 haha lol came back and worked on my project and now i`m done and wow it feelz goood