i know heaven / must be beautiful right now / since they got you babe / since they took you babe

Feb 20, 2014 20:27

So literally, in the time between when I made my last post and this one I got some (a) hopeful news about Comic Con and (b) the possible opportunity to go to Wonder Con in April. ::grins:: Now I just need to convince my boss at the amusement park that I need a bunch of days off in April...

Also! I finally got around to updating my massive WIP. I still have a few things I really want to write (Molly meeting Mycroft and Moriarty having someone make an attempt to torch the inn, among other things) but I finally decided to introduce Sherlock's parents in this chapter. I adore them, and I'm going to write them again. ::nods:: Anyway. Here's the new chapter:

Tell The World I’m Coming Home (14/?) | Sherlock - NC-17 overall; PG for this chapter | Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper, Sally Donovan and an OMC and OFC in this chapter | After the death of her beloved Nana Molly finds herself owning half her grandmother’s inn with a man she doesn’t know, Sherlock Holmes. Between mutual feelings of attraction between them and an outside threat from a man who wants to bring down what Sherlock has worked hard for Molly finds this new direction in her life to be very unexpected. Can she learn to run the inn and still get everything else she wants out of life?

event: comic con, personal stuff, scandalbaby's fic/meta/art

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