So I went on a graphics clean-up spree. I changed my layout to one that
aaronlisa made me for my birthday of my movie OTP (Kili/Tauriel) and then I made a new userinfo graphic of the Sherlock/Molly kiss. I swear, finding images for both sucked beyond belief, but I enjoy both of the graphics I now have decorating my journal. Lexi, I have the Red header saved if you want me to install that on your journal at some point.
I don't have a lot of fandomy things to say, but I updated my inn AU with three new chapters today and it's over 50K long. I'm working on chapters 10 and 11 right now (what is now chapter 11 was part of chapter 9 but I wanted to make it a chapter in it's own right) and so probably by the time I post the new chapters to LJ and Tumblr it will be over 60K long with no real end in sight. Guys, this fic might be novel length by the time I finish it, and if I can write a novel length fanfic I can easily write a novel out of "When In University..." (and speaking of that, I can pull stuff from the fanfic to put in the first three novels, so that should help a lot). But yeah. I'm pushing myself to finish that and then tomorrow I'm going to work on the amusement park AU and at least try and get two more chapters of that done and sent off to my artist.
And that's about it. Thursday I'm either going to sit down and watch "Parade's End" or I'm going to watch "The Reichenbach Fall" and the three newest episodes of Sherlock. We'll see how I feel Thursday, and whether my mom is home (because if she isn't there's no point in watching "Parade's End" since she wants to see it too). But yeah. The rest of my day today will be spent writing and tomorrow will probably also be spent writing and then Thursday will be a "kick it at home day," which I desperately need to recover from this past week. I swear, it is not fun to only get twelve hours of sleep in a three day span. It seriously wipes you out.