one two one two and through and through / the vorpal blade went snicker snack

Dec 23, 2013 11:30

I have the bestest best son ever, I do! Guess what he got me for Christmas? He got me Entertainment Weekly? I was just telling my mom I was going to try and find one of my old $25 subscription offers and try and get another subscription to it, and my mom knew and she didn't say a word, and then I got one! I hope my first issue comes soon. oh, God, I can't wait to have my magazine again! I definitely need to buy my son an awesome gift on the 16th as thanks.

I would buy it this payday but AT&T wanted $750 to give me a phone so I'm still phoneless. I'm planning on going back to Walmart with (hopefully) $160 this payday so I can get a really nice one, or I'll look into staying with Cricket and upgrading my phone. Because for $750 I can get a gold plated phone and unlimited everything. It's just not worth it. So on the 2nd I'm hoping I can buy a new phone and two of the movies I want ("Starter For 10" and "Fortysomething") and then buy the rest of the movies for my birthday marathon on the 16th and get two day shipping. It'll cost me an arm and a leg but I'm only buying three miniseries, I think. Unless I buy the extended versions of "Return of the King" and the first Hobbit movie. I really want both of those as well.

Also? I will have a "these presents don't cost anything" birthday wishlist going up on the 8th, in case anyone wants to contribute to my good birthday. That would be lovely. Mostly it's of the fic variety, but I have a few graphics requests if anyone would like to try and tackle those. Otherwise I'll make my own new graphics once the college opens back up.

scandalbaby has a geeky kidlet, scandalbaby's a big huge nerd, scandalbaby is greedy, personal stuff

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