and hold like the breeze half as tight as both our eyes closed

Oct 10, 2011 15:43

OMG! I'm looking as forward to this as I am the DW special, even if it means it's that much closer to the last season. ::sniffle::

Polar!Taggert and Princess/Queen Jo FTW!

The Warehouse 13 one looks interesting, too, but i really need to catch up first to enjoy it, I think. If I can find the clip again I'll post that if there's interest.

Also! I have uploaded a gorgeous Doctor/River theme that I am using over at my personal journal. Which now leads to a dilemma of two parts: (a) is it still spoilery and (b) which fits this journal better, Matt & Karen or The Doctor/River? So I leave it up to you via poll. Poll will close sometime tomorrow night.

Poll Mood Theme

And hopefully tonight I'll finish Criminal Minds and ep three of Hawaii Five-0 so I can give some thoughts, because boy, do I have thoughts on H5-0...and they're not all good (but most of them are, so don't think I'm giving up on the show).

scandalbaby's a big huge nerd, poll time!, fandom: criminal minds, fandom: eureka/warehouse 13, fandom: hawaii five-0, recs: video, fandom: whoniverse

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