So last week was supposed to be Benedict's episode of Miss Marple and it wasn't the episode on tonight. Screw you, PBS. On the plus side, Inspector Lewis was quite good, and I want to watch more. I think Masterpiece Mystery may be my Sunday night viewing each week, because the show replacing Inspector Lewis also looks fascinating. Apparently I just love mystery shows. Now I just need Sherlock to repeat so I can watch "Hound" so I can rewrite it so people will stop asking every month.
Speaking of my fic, over the last three or four days I've gotten kudos on AO3 for about five or six stories a day. Most have been for my All Of Time And Space but there's been a lot of Bleach fics that people like. It almost makes me want to write more Bleach fics, or at least finish my Lingering Winter and A Thousand Suns series. We'll see.
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