Mar 03, 2014 17:24

Den dengang-da så spede Ylvis-fandommen har i skrivende stund 124 bidrag på AO3 og nå også sitt eget Ylvis Kink Meme på tumblr! Jøsseball!

"Ylvis Kink Meme - Fic prompts and fills. Anon and non-anon allowed. Everything and everyone welcome.
Rules Post
1. NO KINK SHAMING. If you don’t like it, don’t read it and don’t write it, period.
2. Fills can be posted anywhere - Tumblr, AO3, LJ, Wattpad, whatever. Just link it here as a submission, and/or tag it as ‘ylvis kink meme’
3. Prompts can be anonymous or not.
4. Prompts can be anything, they don’t need to be kinky or sexy. Fluff, gen, OC, het, anything is welcome.
5. Please clearly label any and all warnings for prompts and fills.
6. Don’t get upset if your prompt isn’t filled, or it isn’t 100% the way you want it. That’s just how it goes sometimes.
7. Fillers, please try to respect the prompter’s requests as much as possible.
8. More than one person can fill a prompt.
9. NO KINK SHAMING. Just felt it should be said again.
Submit a prompt. If you want to be anonymous, send it through the ask.
If you want to fill a prompt: write it, then post it somewhere. Submit the link, or send it anonymously through the ask box. Please clearly label what prompt you’re filling, and any and all labels, pairings, ratings, etc.
I think that’s it. Rules are subject to change and update as needed."
- http://ylviskinkmeme.tumblr.com/post/73136727228/rules-post

Det sies ingenting om språk-krav, men promptene kan jo brukes til inspirasjon uansett, så slå dere laus, folkens! :D

linker, fiksjon

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