Remember when LJ was the new hot thing?

Oct 11, 2009 15:27

It's scary when your friends page is abnormally quiet. Like... I don't comment on my friends entries a lot because I like to think my friends know I care and that I do read their entries.... eventually. Obviously because my internet connection is about as reliable as I am at the moment I might not read it on the day and then I feel retarded leaving a message when my friends posted an entry oh say... a month ago ¬_¬ so yeah I do read them... where was I going with this?


It's not really encouraging to sign on and find that my old internet friends may have well and truly been eaten by real life, but then I suppose it's unfair to think you guys should remain behind my computer screen nice and safe until I return right? Still... it'd be nice to know how you're all doing, especially since over half you live slightly further away than a bus ride and cost a vital limb to call. That was my idea of a subtle hint by the way.

But just to keep ourselves in balance what's been going on with me? I've become a workaholic since I have no internet and no role-playing to give my brain a break. I do like... 10 hours volunteering a week on top of 15 hours of school and outside of it I'm doing all that boring legal stuff to keep a roof over my head and food in my belly, life is kind of dull.

Okay I'm lying, it would be dull if my work was dull but it's not. I'm studying Social Work at college which is something I'm generally interested in, even if my class does that whole 'Poor Rachel' routine because I'm the slightly worse off homeless girl who's exiled from her immediate family... the whole family on my dad's side but my mum and brother on my mum's side. I didn't ask for pity, I still have family which is what people forget, and the family I have are pretty awesome. But never mind that small annoyance.

I'm doing work experience in a theatre which = free gigs, yay! Nothing is better than witnessing amazing new and up and coming acts which are so much better than the synthetic big names we have out there. The ones that are tainted by money and politics, you know?

I still have that red cross thing going and it's not going away. It's slightly complicated because I almost... ALMOST got tempted to cross the line get slightly more involved with one of the very pretty and ambitious refugees I work with. He was cute... I'd rather not go into more detail especially when the library's about to close. But the red cross also does abroad stuff and I will be looking to do some of that abroad stuff after university.

That's the skin and bones of what I've been doing, hopefully I can share more tomorrow... if I find time to breathe.

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