you know...

Aug 06, 2008 21:16

...there's nothing like finding out one of your supposed best friends isn't a friend at all. they do all this shit for you and make you think they're really there for you until they piss off one of their other friends who decides to let you in on their big secret. they don't like you, they've been going around telling everyone your filth and that you should have become a chilean prostitute; that way you're not in the same country as them AND you prove them right when they go around calling you filth. further more you also get told that they've been trying to get you beaten up multiple times but because you were so busy doing other stuff you were lucky enough not to suffer that.


i'd hurt a lot more if i was surprised, if i thought there was the slightest chance it wasn't true but i know it is. that's why i'm willing to look naive to my informant and not have them ring up this person and that person to back up what they're saying - plus, they knew me well enough to be tactful when they told me. i think if they'd rung people i probably would have been in tears because i have been nothing but good to this friend and to hear such bullshit... it would have hurt. hearing bullshit about myself hurts enough without finding out it came from the lips of someone i considered to be my best friend, my sister... 'my strength and my pride, only god may know why... still i will get by...'
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