am i really?

Jul 20, 2008 22:23

i was getting happy thinking i was keeping on top of my lj and updating it weekly, then i realised it's actually been nearly two weeks since i wrote something and lj is actually incapable of saying 'last updated 13 days ago' :/

that aside, my life is still on a whirlwind spin type thing. my clique, my group, my little haven and escape from the harsh realities of life is... dead. officially dead. i'm in love, he knows and it's bad because once again i care too deeply for a guy who is bad for me. oh, i'm also in love with more than one person and the other guy? let's just not go there... i've been kidding myself for the longest time though which is the problem. now my feelings for each of them are twice as strong because apparently i don't like holding my feelings back.

i've had to change my mobile number because some 16 year old can't get a life. i already told him, i am VERY touchy about my phone and i hate when people bug me via my mobile. i saw your first missed call, i will get back to you when i'm ready. let me know how i got 8 missed calls in one hour and somewhere between 20 - 30 over a 24 hour period. i just met him, and that bugs me even more because like.... when you just meet someone don't you think it's kinda sad to call them that much if your not dating? it's like... what did you DO with your life prior to meeting me?

so when i told him to eff off because i don't have time for rude people who swear down my phone at me because i was too busy to answer their calls... he continued to text his rubbish. so i thought, fuck it, change my number because too many arseholes have this one as it is.

now if only it was that easy to lock that guy off. i can't believe i told him i loved him, and that he read the message, and that he reacted the way he did. friday was the day of awkward text messages, when monday rolls round i think i have to deal with the consequences of my actions.

my mother's started acting stupid again, i really can't care no more. i've decided that no matter what i do she's going to bitch so i might as well do what i want, be happy in that and leave her to bitch anyway. there's no pacifying her and it's my turn to get housed at youth aid anyway.
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