This place never ceases to surprise and amaze me.
I apologize for being so shook up the other day when people were turning into children. It... it sort of startled me. Trying to get used to Kakashi having so many more years over Obito and I is hard enough without the city pulling cruel little pranks like that.
I hope my reaction didn't give Obito the wrong idea. It was just... really, really uncomfortable. I guess I've known for a long time that Kakashi would never reciprocate my feelings, but somehow seeing him as a grown man with a new life surrounded by new people -- and a boyfriend -- was helping me move on. Then to see him as a kid again... as if nothing had ever happened, as if we were a team again...
Ahh, I feel so horrible. Leaning on Obito right now... it's not wrong of me, is it? Loving the attention he gives me... I... We want to help Kakashi move on, to let go of the past. But Obito's all that's left of my past, and I feel that I should cling to him as tightly as I can.
Are Obito and I not allowed to move on?
Is... is it possible... to love someone again so soon?
Sensei has been spending time with his son. I'm so happy for him, that he has this chance. I'm glad this city is capable of doing some good once in a while.