Mar 28, 2005 22:23
So I'm basically getting used to all this lj stuff. It is mucho different from xanga. ANGELA IS MY FRIEND! Yes one friend and counting...negatively, stagnant. It finally occurred to me, about a week and half ago, to get an lj so I wouldn't have to comment anonymously everytime I comment on Laura Beth's or David's or anyone else's journal. Brilliance I tell you.
These next few posts will seem kind of weird. I know I'm writing to my audience, but yet I know that I don't have an audience yet. Of course, that's to be expected. We're all to busy with school. Who the heck am I talking to???
Yes calls because Guy certainly loves to give us papers that has no relevance to whatever he teaches. Oh wait, he doesn't teach. My fault for not singling that point out earlier. Yah well I feel silly and redundant as I attempt to create a post that is for someone's entertainment. Yet the problem is...there is no 'someone'.