Okay, so that's completely irrelevant to the purpose of writing this, but it's a lame attempt at an intellectual joke. :P
So okay, Zelda: Twilight Princess is freaking amazing. No question. The cutscenes are amazing, the music is beautiful, and some of the activities in game are incredibly unique for a Zelda game (A 20-on-1 Wild West style shootout at one point, walking around a ghost town with a sniper bow is insane). Granted, most of the combat isn't terribly difficult, but the 3D games really aren't as a whole. At least there's a multilevel dungeon sidequest that was difficult to some extent (Three Darknuts at once is insane. Really. I'm not even going to try for four on the second run-through.)
This music video does a good job of showcasing some of the good scenes from the game without spoiling it too much:
But in the meanwhile, I haven't had much to rant about lately. I guess I just haven't gotten too profoundly annoyed by anything that I felt compelled to write about it, but there have been a few things that have had an effect, both good and bad, in some way. There's been enough bad -- we're still in Iraq, a resolution that would have restricted more troops heading to the Middle East failed to pass by four votes, and there's been more than enough crime that goes unpunished to make anyone sick at the stomach. If money wasn't an issue, there is no question I would join the DA's office as soon as I got my law degree... I don't like living in a world where the guilty can walk free and the innocent lose their liberty.
Granted, there has been some good. The Boy Scouts can't recruit during school hours in Oregon, a measure to give more funding to prolonging Iraq was shot down, and if my friends are any representative of some of the people that will be holding the reins of power in the future, I haven't lost ALL hope in humanity.
I do plan to begin writing a thesis of some description in the near future (I don't have Academic Decathlon to work on as much as I did, and Mock Trial is over after the month). I've planned to write something on atheism, but whether it'll be more of a history book or a journal -- I don't know at the moment. I don't face too much discrimination in my actual life, so I don't think I'd have a lot to write about, but maybe it'll be a combo of the two. Title is tentative, but I might find something deep and philosophical to use at some point or another...
Speaking of which, I haven't written a lot of stuff for myself in a while. Most of it has been essays for English and History, but no fiction. I should definitely write something, maybe a writing group or something would work? (Psst, if anyone I know is reading this, get back to me on that thought if you're interested, please. =P)
Oh, and I've decided that I am going to take the Microeconomics AP test this year. In essence, I'm taking all of the stress from Academic Decathlon and Mock Trial and refocusing it into a bunch of less demanding activities. o_o;
"It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong." ~Voltaire