Blah, sleep is overrated.

Jan 13, 2007 17:01

Or so says my Aca Deca speech, which I had to do earlier today.

So I'm up at around 5 this morning. I lounge in bed and watch infomercials for about an hour, when I decide to go ahead and get suited up (In a suit, not a massive technological detainment unit thing). My nerves were going all over the place this morning while I was doing that -- given that I had medaled in Speech and Interview last year, I really wanted to do well on both again. As such, nervousness.

I got to school a bit after 7, and immediately caught a ride over to the competition location. We had about an hour after the team got there to hang out and have breakfast; I ended up chatting most of the time for that segment. After the hour, we headed over to their PAC (Performing Arts Center) to hear the orientation. The entire thing ended up being one long "And thank you to..." thing that lasted in the neighborhood of ten minutes (I have no idea why they wanted us to use the PAC for that, it could have been done much more efficiently in the cafeteria). After that, we headed over to the gymnasium for the essay. We had 50 minutes for the entire thing, which, out of the three prompts, there was only one focused on our material lit (Meaning, by converse, there were two on climatology. Bleh. I think it was a decent essay, given that I haven't done a time-restricted expository in a while, and my white out tape didn't break this time. Hallelujah. =O So we got done with that, and so began the long cafeteria hang-out day. Lots of chatting, lots of playing Guillotine, and a bit of speech practice. :P

I ended up doing my Interview / Speech at 11:30-ish. My interview people were terribly sweet, I made a bit of small talk for pre-softening both before and after the process. My nerves ended up cooling off when I got in the interview room... the things a friendly little flourishing bow with a handshake can do. They never ended up asking me about my Rubik's Cubing experience, though, that made me a wee bit upset. =( I got done with my interview and headed straight over for my speech; the judges still responded to my small talk, but not as heavily. I think my speech went well, I blanked for about three seconds near the beginning, but I was fine after that for the entire thing. I managed to educate my judges about some recent internet fads during my impromptu speech, and that went without flaw, for the most part. I was back in the cafeteria at 12, I sat around for three hours after that waiting for everyone else to go.

I ended up playing Guillotine about four times, I won one game out of the four. One of them had roughly 7 people playing at once, so it was a bit hard to plow through; the other games were 3 to 4 people. Never got Robespierre, though, although he cuts off the current round once beheaded.

So we left at around three, headed back, and now I'm here with a dilemma: I can either watch TV, loaf around on the Internet, or get onto my Wii and play a bit more Zelda: Twilight Princess. I'll probably lie down for a moment before doing the latter... hey, I was really tempted to get on my Wii's internet browser and write this there. I wonder if I can get on an instant messenger from it. :P

*Picks up a sheet of paper sitting by my computer desk* Oh, I copied down the Pempti letter while playing Trauma Center. My shoulder still hurts like all hell after that two minute suturing marathon with Savato. >_>

"Pempti -- Thursday

As each man is sacrificed, humankind furnishes its dwelling in Hell... but who will take record of the sins of the modern age?" ~ The Pempti Letter; Trauma Center: Second Opinion
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