Dec 21, 2006 16:29
Today: The last day of school before our 15-day Winter break. The entire point of the day was just a big party and lots of present-handing-out (This is the first year I've put serious thought to it), and I think it went over well.
Now that I think about it, I am feeling pretty chipper about the whole deal. I gleamed reactions from most of the people I gave stuff to, and based on that, I'm basically in a stasis of elation, really. If the holidays are about anything past the religious aspects, they're about how you make others feel... and really, that should be why we exist as a creature with a purpose. If there's any deep meaning to life, it's making others feel incredible -- the giver receives a satisfaction in making that happen. I felt better giving gifts away than the joy I've gotten out of basically anything I've ever gotten (I didn't get a lot -- three gifts and a lot of food, but it doesn't really matter). It feels great, and hey, I did it without looking up to any divine being. It's amazing that my actions, as much of a trifle as I presumed they were, meant something to someone else.
So yes, the day itself was amusing in itself, besides the above stuff. In English we basically just lounged around the entire period and watched my teacher's Cheer competition videos -- gift passing, food-eating, all of the staples. There was this one instance where someone in the class replicated a relatively flamboyant stunt from the video... I should have recorded it on my phone, it was funny. =/
Math was a similar deal -- we had some extra credit worksheets to do, and after I finished them (Within maybe 15 minutes), I went on a tangram rampage. I finished about 8 of the "letters" we had to make with them, although technically, I have all of them sketched out and just need to build them and wait for our teacher to stamp all of them.
In French, we got to do our French Christmas carols. I didn't see anyone I knew more than slightly through other friends, but hey, screaming about a mini-Santa flying through the sky in French is always a benefit. I think our teacher wanted me to either tone down or slow down at one point (What does a descending hand mean, anyways?), but besides that, it went off pretty smoothly. We did get to carol for the construction workers on our way back to the classroom. =P
So I checked into my fifth period (History) class, and then hung out for like 45 minutes with a few friends outside the rally. I never really saw the point of these things, they're kind of noisy and serve no real purpose. One of my friends went into full-on psycho mode for like 20 minutes, and in the last 5 minutes or so, we crashed the Band holiday party and attempted to steal some of the food. We had to go pretty quickly, though.
In 5th period, we ended up chatting / watching the new Count of Monte Cristo movie (Hey, it has Napoleon in it, so it's relevant, non?) I did spend a good deal of time chatting with Linnea about some tactical errors in the movie -- come on, if you're using a matchlock rifle to try and shoot a moving target, you'd at least want to lead the blasted guy with your shot! >_>
So I got my Santa hat simultaneously rubbed by four people during lunch. Oh, and we watched a few fight scenes from The Matrix for the last 15 minutes or so. No, Neo, it isn't cool unless you cross your arms while shooting two airline security guards with semiautomatic pistols, gawd.
Theatre wasn't quite as amusing as I'd hoped -- nothing too fancy, just more chatting and a seriously funny Improv during the last seven minutes or so. High schoolers think up the most perverted things in their free time, really... I don't know how we got from a divorce argument to "Hey, how was I last night?".
Chem... Jeopardy, again, meaning I know all of the Chemistry stuff but am not fast enough on the buzzer to answer it and know none of the Harry Potter crap. However, Hoag did ask some Lord of the Rings stuff... BUT I WASN'T UP WHEN HE ASKED THEM. >_> So our "team" didn't win Jeopardy, but it was relieving to finally have some good quality time to study for the Aca Deca Speech competition the week we get back.
The holidays are great, really. I couldn't think of too many better times during the year.
"One of the things that has helped me as much as any other, is not how long I am going to live, but how much I can do while living." ~George Washington Carver