Searching for Balticon 49 Audio and Photos

May 29, 2015 11:00

Balticon 49 has been and gone. Unfortunately, I didn’t get my schedule far enough ahead of the con to post it. This year’s schedule was a little lighter than years past, but I did manage to get recordings for most, if not all, of my panels. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to record a lot of other panels. In years past, this would have been a minor thing. This year, I’m producing the Balticon Podcast! So I really need audio from this year’s con for the podcast! Actually, I need audio from Balticon 46, 47, 48, and 49, because the Balticon Podcast has been on a hiatus for the last few years, and we need to make up the gap. So, who has audio they can share?

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Mirrored from Swimming Cat Studios.

convention, balticon 48, balticon podcast, podcast, balticon 47, balticon, panels, balticon 46, balticon 49

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