The Wayback Machine: The Shrinking Man Project: Episode 24 - Balticon Almost Live

May 17, 2013 09:00

It’s #FlashbackFriday! It is isn’t it? Yes, yes it is! And it is time for another episode from The Wayback Machine! We’re turning the clock back to June 3rd, 2011 and an episode of The Shrinking Man Project. The plan for this episode was to feature the live recording of The Shrinking Man Project, but the recording suffered a couple of power failures, so this is a regular episode of the podcast featuring audio recorded on Monday afternoon at Balticon 45. You can hear in the audio that all of our voices were very hoarse for talking all weekend long. Our topic for Balticon was Exercise and Creativity.  Read more...

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Mirrored from Swimming Cat Studios.

the shrinking man project, balticon 45, podcast, master feed, the wayback machine

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