Special Episode 3 - Walking and Talking with Nathan Lowell, and M. G. Cady, and Veronica Gigue

Jan 28, 2013 09:00

Hello, everyone! Today we have a Special Episode recorded one morning during Balticon 46. This episode was originally a chance for me to do a cross-over with Nathan Lowell’s Talking on my Morning Walk podcast, also known as #tommw. In fact, if you listen to Nathan’s podcast, you’ve already heard this audio. So why did it take me so long to release this audio? Well, one reason was that both Nathan and I were recording, and I wanted a chance to be able to combine both audio streams to create something that was easy to listen to. Nathan didn’t see the point in waiting. The other reason was that I’d decided that I was going to do a special podcast of audio recorded at Balticon and release it over at my Swimming Cat Studios site. While I started the project with the best of intentions, it quickly got pushed off to the side for other things, and it wasn’t until I got back to it that I re-discovered this audio.

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exercise, uncut, creativity, lifestyle, podcast, rambling, health

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