Phoenix Rising: A Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences Novel

Jun 19, 2011 19:00

Phoenix Rising: A Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences Novel
is the first novel from Pip Ballantine and Tee Morris writing together. They take us back to the age of Queen Victoria, and give us a view of a secret organization in Her Majesty’s government. This clandestine organization, the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences, deals with the strange, the bizarre, and those things best not talked about in polite society. Agents of the Ministry travel the world investigating these strange and unusual events, and returning dangerous artifacts to Mother England where they can be safely stored away from dangerous hands.

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mopo, pimpin' your friends, tee morris, goodreads, pimp your friends, asides, steampunk, philippa ballantine, books, reading

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