P 3 R M 1 S S 1 O N S

Apr 13, 2024 00:00

4th WALL BREAKING: GO FOR IT. The trolls and kids are meta as fuck, so let's do this. shit, let's be santa.
THREADJACKING: yes!! DO IT. unless it's super duper important, of course. even then, i'm sure we can work something out if it's important to your character as well.
BACK THREADING: forever and ever unto eternity!!!

MIND READING: plz to be asking me first because with Terezi's Seer of Mind powers as well as her being a troll, there might be some conflict with a human trying to read her mind. however, i am allllllways down for plotting!
LOCATION SENSING: sure, why not! it might make things easy and more interesting. all the same, please ask me first.
TELEPATHY: see above! and above that one, too.

FIGHTING CAPABILITIES: TZ may be blind but she is far from helpless. i'd prefer to plot a fight out because her "Seer of Mind" powers grant her a certain kind of leeway over her opponents, assuming she knows them well enough.
INJURY/DEATH: in all honesty, i don't like to kill without reason, but if it's part of a bigger plot, i'm willing to work with it!
WIN/LOSE/TIE: this can be worked out as we go!
MEDICAL/PHYSICAL INFO: lol alien anatomy.

ROMANCE/RELATIONSHIPS: she's canonically in matespiritship ( ♥ ) with karkat vantas, but she also has something of a hero worship crush on dave. that being said, the subject of troll romance is quite complex and complicated indeed. really. tl;dr, PRETTY MUCH ALL RELATIONSHIPS HAVE SOME KIND OF ROMANTIC CONNOTATION IN TROLL LIVES. unless it's purely platonic in which case... well, there you go.
SEXUAL RELATIONS: dude, six solar sweeps. she's not ready for the buckets yet!
PHYSICAL CONTACT: TZ has absolutely no concept of personal space and she will get all up in your character's business because that's just how she is. this includes licking. that's not troll custom, she's just kind of weird.

ANY TRIGGERS/SECRETS/FACTS YOU WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW ABOUT: OKAY so basically Terezi has a R34LLY OBNOX1OUS W4Y OF TYP1NG, so if you don't want me to use the text function, let me know here!! it's totally okay (and tbh i can understand how it'd be obnoxious), i will take no offense to it if you'd rather her use voice and/or video to communicate with your characters. that being said SHE IS A TROLL, and while she is one of the more pleasant trolls, she will still >:[ a little before begrudgingly switching over. her numbers are important to her. but i would like to play WITH you and not AGAINST you, so i will be more than happy to accommodate!!


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