do want to look like a broken record....

Dec 29, 2004 15:02

pretty dern hip bowls available everywhere
(+Xtracool recycling content)

that last entry was a little harsh-- so i thought i would lighten it up a bit with these loveley record-bowls. While DJ culture has certainly ressurected the 12" from its unjust demise (sorry but things just sound better on an oracle turntable), millions of records would have faced their sad march to the landfill, until Vinylux in New York began making these atractive bowls and many other cool products out of old records. I mean what else are you going to do with 1000 copies of Led Zepplin's IV but turn them into cool bracelets and beer coasters, or Billy Holliday Records into bowls ....Brilliant! They are available in person (if you happen to be in NYC) at mxyplyzyk (a sorta eco, way gizmo shop in the village) 125 greenwich ave or online everywhere from many peeps, including Vivavi and greenfeet

blingbling, greendesign, greenbiz

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